According to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, “it is essential to identify and demonstrate effective approaches and opportunities for drought management and preparedness, including case studies to show examples of good, as well as weak policies. Policy makers, scientists, media, and the public often need to see actions-at-work in order to foster buy-in to similar efforts.” Similarly, the National Emergency Management Agency stated that “a body of knowledge already exists in the various places within the community of mitigation and in academic research communities… but this knowledge base needs to be centralized, managed, grown, and accessible ‘for the masses’ at all levels of government… Strategies to publicize and share those successes must also be developed.” To address this need, the National Drought Mitigation Center has developed a Drought Management Database highlighting drought mitigation and response strategies implemented across the United States.
National Emergency Management Agency (2010) Recommendations for an Effective National Mitigation Effort,
United National International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (2007) Drought Risk Reduction Framework and Practices: Contributing to the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action, United Nations secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland, 97+vi pp