Submit a Strategy

We welcome suggestions for resources to add to the Drought Management Database. To suggest a resource, please email or call 402-472-6707. We are more likely to use resources that do not endorse a specific commercial product.

Our goal is for each resource in the database to contribute to a user’s evaluation of options for managing drought. We also recognize that all strategies are likely to require adaptation to specific local circumstances.

If it’s an idea that’s already been described in writing – anything from a feature article in a newspaper or magazine to a detailed program assessment – please send us the document or a link to it. If you’d like to share your experience in implementing a particular idea that’s been written about elsewhere, we’d welcome your addition to the discussion. Please see the guidelines below.

If it’s something that you’ve tried that hasn’t been written about, please consider writing it up for the Drought Management Database.  In general, please include information that will help others decide whether this strategy is worth a try. If possible, please include enough specifics to help readers evaluate whether they could implement the strategy. It would be ideal but is not required to answer all of the questions below in describing a strategy.

Please include:

  • Who (what agency) tried it?
  • What was the strategy?
  • Where was it located?
  • When did you try it, and for how long? Is it still in effect?
  • Why did you select this strategy? What aspect of drought did it help with? What alternatives did you consider?
  • How well did it work? Did you accomplish your goal?
  • How much did it cost, and how was it funded?
  • Who else could this work for?
  • Under what circumstances might this be less successful, or did you come across any pitfalls that others could avoid?
  • Your contact information: Name, email, phone, mailing address, website, etc.