National Drought Mitigation Center


Drought Management Strategy Library

Search the NDMC’s library to learn more about drought management strategies that can help your ranch better prepare for and respond to drought conditions.

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To use the full search, choose one or more of the search options on the left and click Search. It will display a list of strategies based on your choice(s).

Note: The search uses the OR function, meaning it will return those records which have one of the selected criteria. For example, if the Grazing Management and Destocking subsectors are checked, all records that fall into one or both of those subsectors will be returned.

The default search (nothing selected) returns all of the records currently in the database.


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Featured Videos

(More available on the NDMC YouTube Managing Drought Risk on the Ranch playlist.)

Setting and Using Critical Dates During Drought, D. Rice

Monitoring Rangelands During and After Drought, J. Elliot

Economics and Decision-making During Drought, M. Stockton