National Drought Mitigation Center


South Korea delegation learns about drought

October 5, 2015

Exchanging information on drought management in the U.S. and in South Korea were, from left, Mark Svoboda, leader of the NDMC’s Monitoring program area; Won-Ho Nam, NDMC post-doctoral researcher; Chang-Jo Oh, director of the Korea Rural Community and Corporation: Water Resources Operation Office, Water Management Center; Mike Hayes, director of the National Drought Mitigation Center; Hong-Sang Kim, research director of the Korea Rural Economic Institute; Kyung-Sook Choi, professor at Kyungpook National University, Department of Agricultural Civil Engineering;  Bo-Sung Koh, CEO of SURI Engineering & Consulting, Inc.; and Kwang-Ya Lee, Drought Action Plan Task Force, Korea Rural Community and Corporation.

The National Drought Mitigation Center and the Department of Biological Systems Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln welcomed a delegation from South Korea Aug. 27-28. The visitors came to learn about managing for mid- and short-term droughts. Won-Ho Nam, an NDMC post-doctoral researcher who helped organize their visit, said they were particularly interested in how state and local governments, water management organizations, stakeholders and farmers can mitigate drought; working with farmers during drought; inter-departmental and inter-agency cooperation; and public outreach and education related to drought.