“Using Simulations to Plan and Prepare for Drought” was the focus of a webinar on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013. Harvey Hill of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provided an overview of the drought tournament that his organization has used to engage stakeholders in drought planning. Discussing the role of drought tournaments in federal and state drought and multi-hazard planning were Veva Deheza, National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), Taryn Finnessey, Colorado Water and Conservation Board, and Courtney Black and Jeff Brislawn, AMEC. Deborah Bathke, National Drought Mitigation Center and co-chair of the NIDIS Engaging Preparedness Communities working group, led discussion on the future of drought tournaments. The webinar is archived online: http://ndmc.adobeconnect.com/p7ntgllp1kh/